What Ever Happened to Pluralism?

What Ever Happened to Free Speech?

While having coffee with a friend recently, the subject of pluralism came up. Not one to pass up the opportunity to pontificate, I affirmed the value of pluralism while arguing that what passes for pluralism these days is mostly anything but.

Calls for “diversity” are on offer instead. Yet diversity is really nothing at all like pluralism.

Pluralism is based on differing ideas, perspectives, backgrounds, and identities, each granted free expression. Out of this cacophony of varied and sometimes contentious speech, consensus hopefully emerges.

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Passport Out of Provincialism

400 Years Ago

I used to visit Shirley often. She was an elderly church member who had been diagnosed with a terminal illness. Yet her mind remained sharp, vibrant, and probing. I always looked forward to talking with her.

One day, sitting in her living room, we got onto the subject of church attendance. A lifelong churchgoer herself, she expressed concern that neither of her two children had any interest, despite attending regularly growing up.

When questioned, her son told her he thought himself a highly moral person who always tries to live a good life. As such, he didn’t really see the need to go to church. Unsure how to counter his argument, she asked me what I would say.

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