New and Improved

Why Math Is Racist

Perhaps the New Year is a good time to talk about all things new. Then again, you really don’t have to wait until the beginning of the year to bring it up. In fact, it’s all the rage these days. New! New! New! Change! Change! Change! It just may be the preeminent, culturally approved mantra of our age.

This was made painfully clear to me this past June while attending our younger granddaughter’s high school graduation. With the young “scholars” in robes seated by rows and sporting various messages and images on their caps, every single speaker, be they faculty member or student, focused on just one word: change.

Repeatedly the principal and selected teachers advised the students to be ready for change, to expect change, to thrive in the midst of change. Not to be outdone, each student, including the valedictorian, also droned on and on about…change.

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